Chemistry (from Arabic. کيمياء, occurred, presumably from the Egyptian word km.t (black), where there was also the name of Egypt, black soil and lead - "black earth"; other options: ancient Greek. Χυμος - « juice "," essence "," wet "," taste ", ancient Greek. χυμα -« alloy (metal) "," casting "," stream ", ancient Greek. χυμευσις -« mixing ") - one the most important and extensive areas of natural science, the science of materials, their composition and structure, their properties, depending on the composition and structure of their transformations, leading to a change in the composition - the chemical reactions, as well as the laws and the laws that are subject to these transformations. Since all matter consists of atoms, which are due to chemical bonds can form molecules, the chemistry involved, especially considering the above problems at the atomic and molecular level, ie. E. At the level of the chemical elements and their compounds. Chemistry has a lot of connections with physics and biology, in fact the boundary between conventional and border areas studied quantum chemistry, chemical physics, physical chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry and other sciences.